
Highland Hills golf season is off to a great start with the completion of the first tournament of the year – The Salty Dog. This was an “ABCD Blind Draw Scramble” with 46 participants. New friendships were formed in this blind draw format and some great golf was played.  Congrats to the winners and especially to Jimmy Shimada with a hole-in-one on number 14!  Jeff Ptaschek did a great job of augmenting the digital TV screen results postings with a large format hard copy posting on the outdoor posting board which should be up for a few more days – take a look.


Date Time League Season
May 1, 2022 8:00 am Highland Hills Mens League 2022


TeamWinnersParScore (Gross)
James Seela + Steve Lang + Patrick Richardson + Royal Burrows1st Place Tie (James Seela + Steve Lang + Patrick Richardson + Royal Burrow) / (TJ Chavez + Todd Thornton + Braden Garrett)-1259
Tj Chavez + Todd Thornton + Braden Garrett-1259