Thirty Five competitors took to the course on Sunday at the Highland Hills Fall’s Last Call Arizona Scramble tournament. The Arizona Scramble is a format where everyone drives the first shot and the four man team selects a “Best Drive.” At that point, each player plays a ball from the same best location and from there play’s his own ball the rest of the hole. Two scores for each hole are selected from the best four on a Net Basis. Handicaps are calculated at 50% value. Congratulations to the winners. Below are the results.


Below are the tee sheets showing how the teams were organized and showing how well handicaps were aggregated per team.


Date Time League Season
October 9, 2022 9:00 am Highland Hills Mens League 2022


TeamWinnersParScore (Gross)
Results1st Place Tie (Kerry Keil + Damion Cordova + Steve Lang + Olaf Cerda) / (Joe Arias + Todd Thornton + Bruce Willard + Telly Euresti)00

Box Score

Player Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18